January 21, 2025




Dear players and friends of the club,

our snooker tournament – “GOINFO ZAGREB OPEN 2024.” will be held once again this year in the Snooker club The Nugget (Matunova 14, Zagreb). As in previous editions, this year’s competition will be played in accordance with the rules, which will be presented to each player and, if necessary, further clarified before the start of the draw, which will take place on September 6, 2023 at 6 p.m., and will be available in live streaming via the club’s Facebook page. The registration fee for all participants is 60 euro. The top four players will receive valuable prizes from sponsors.All players can register for the tournament from NOW via the organizer’s email info@thenugget.hr, and all additional information can be obtained by inquiring at the email mentioned above, as well as at tel. +385995952779.

You can see the list of registered players

We are looking forward to your participation!

Dragi igrači i prijatelji kluba, naš snooker turnir – “GOINFO ZAGREB OPEN 2024.” održat će se i ove godine u Snooker clubu The Nugget (Matunova 14, Zagreb). Kao i u prethodnim izdanjima, i ovogodišnje natjecanje odvijat će se prema pravilima koja će svakom igraču biti prezentirana i po potrebi dodatno pojašnjena prije početka ždrijeba koji će se održati 6. rujna 2024. u 18 sati. , a bit će dostupan u live streamingu putem Facebook stranice kluba. Kotizacija za sve sudionike iznosi 60 eura. Četiri najbolja igrača očekuju vrijedne nagrade sponzora. Svi igrači se mogu prijaviti za turnir od SADA putem maila organizatora info@thenugget.hr, a sve dodatne informacije mogu se dobiti upitom na gore navedeni mail, kao i na tel. . +385995952779. Popis prijavljenih igrača možete vidjeti ispod

Radujemo se vašem sudjelovanju!

lista prijavljenih igrača / list of registered players

1. Eldar Karamehmedović
2. Elvis Čehajić
3. Nedim Ramić
4. Harun Šehić
5. Marko Rkman
6. Aleksandar Vučetić
7. Imran Ayaz
8. Marko Velichkovski
9. Teodor Velichkovski
10. Davor Antičić
11. Ivan Gavočanov
12. Lazar Lazarevski
13. Vlatko Janev
14. Filip Blažičko
15. Tin Venos
16. Antonio Dusper
17. Tadija Matijašević
18. Pavle Danilov
19. Vlado Matoski
20. Filip Bermanec
21. Darko Gašparović
22. Filip Šebek
23. Dimitrije Stefanović